Friday, February 25, 2011

Tanning Tips and Tricks

-Make sure your using an indoor tanning lotion, using a lotion tans you 70% more than you would without one; It would be like going in a 20 minute bed for 7 minutes.

-If you are using a lotion, try a different one. Normally people start using tanning accelerators which are for beginning tanners. These lotions help you to build your base tan.
You want to continue using these up until you cannot get any darker or you have reached your tanning plateau. At this point, you want to switch to a tanning lotion that has a bronzer or a tingle factor to take you past that tanning plateau to get you a bit darker. We have one bottle in particular that has a plateau busting formula, Obsessed by Devoted Creations.

-If you have been switching up your lotions, try switching up your beds. Changing the amount of UVA and UVB rays that you are exposed to can entice the skin to produce more melanin and develop a darker tan. Since everyone’s skin is different it is important to discuss this with your tanning consultant so they can design a new program for you.

-Try using the hydration station, this is the first tanning skincare technology to address the tanning plateau and elevate your tan to the next level. Hydration Station boosts circulation and oxygenation in your skin while it deeply nourishes your skin with liquid vitamins A, E and C, algae extract, Co Q 10 and more! Experience this tingle factor alternative without the sensation and triple the results! Heat up your tingle by adding the service to tingle lotion applications and watch your color deepen and darken in as little as one session!

- Always use a moisturizer after your tanning session, it is extremely important to keep skin moisturized any time you are tanning. Moist skin tans much better than dry skin. Moisture will also make skin softer and will keep it from forming wrinkles as quickly as dry skin. Try our HEMPZ by SUPRE lotions which comes in Original, Pomegranate, and Hydro Silk.

Friday, February 18, 2011

What Should I Wear In The Mystic Tan?

Most people wear nothing. Since the room is completely private, going for
an all-over treatment is completely up to you. However, if you do wear a bathing suit or underwear, please note that it may become stained. The Insta-Color Bronzer used in the Brozer Additives is water-soluble and should wash out, but the DHA may permanently stain what you wear during the
sunless session.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why Use An Indoor Tanning Lotion?

1. You need to prepare your skin to tan. Dry skin doesn't tan as well, dry skin, reflects light, instead of absorbing it. This can mean you will get a sunburn easier as well. By using lotion your skin is moist, and healthy and supple, ready to take in the sun.

2. You need to protect your skin! Most of the premium brand lotions are high quality lotions. Many lotions are aloe vera based, which is widely known for its positive effects on the skin during moderate to heavy sun exposure. When using a tanning lotion, the main active ingredients are those which accelerate your skins ability to generate melanin. The process by which the skin tans - simplified - is the conversion of Tyrosine, to Melanin, by the UVA portion of light. Your body produces some Tyrsosine, but not enough to actually keep up a high-quality unit like the matrix, especially with its low UVB output. It's similar to having the fastest brick wall building crew, and no bricks. So by not using lotion, you are going to have to a lot more, to get the same tan. Chewing up MORE minutes and increasing your total UV exposure which puts added stress on the skin, especially without the moisturizing qualities of lotion to take care of your skin.

3. You want to prolong your tan. By using lotion, along with some other very basic skincare principles like exfoliating during your shower, your skin will stay healthy, and thus stay tanned longer. This means less tanning, using less sessions tha you are paying for, and keeping the same look.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Supermodel Calls Sunscreen ‘Poison’

One of the world’s top supermodels has stirred up a storm in the cosmetic dermatology and pharmaceutical world by publicly calling sunscreen ‘poison’ and saying that she does not use it. “I cannot put this poison on my skin,” Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen told the London Daily Mail this week. “I do not use anything synthetic.”

Bundchen’s comments reflect concerns the independent Environmental Working Group has raised about sunscreen — which contains toxins but which is not subject to legitimate product safety testing, according to the group.

A prominent dermatologist in Brazil, Dr. Doliyal Loao, responded immediately to Bundchen’s comments, telling the Daily Mail, “Sunscreen prevents damage to the skin and is of fundamental importance for the prevention of cancer. …This is not any poison, when a public person makes a statement like this, it creates confusion.”

In fact, dermatology and spokespeople like Loao are the ones creating the confusion. Sunscreen does contain toxins and suspected photo-carcinogens, and dermatology — in encouraging daily use of a product that in the United States can only properly be marketed for sunburn prevention on an occasional-use basis — is what’s confusing.

Smart Tan encourages sunscreen usage only when sunburn is possible. Smart Tan

Friday, February 4, 2011

How Long Does Mytsic Tan last?

Sunless Tanning also known as spray tanning, self tanning, fake tanning, Mystic Tan or UV-Free tanning has been very popular lately. One of the questions we are often asked at Darque Immersion Tanning is, HOW LONG DOES MYSIC TAN LAST? Mytsic Tan can last up to 7 days depending on the formulation you choose and the condition of your skin. Sunless tanning formulations contain DHA, the FDA-approved active ingredient that produces the long-term tan effect. When applied, DHA reacts with the proteins in the skin's outermost layer to form a golden brown color. Your skin begins to darken two to three hours after application and will reach its peak color
with 24 hours. The color will gradually fade through natural exfoliation, just like a tan from the sun.

Click Here for Mytsic Coupon

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Don't Shower Right After Tanning

Your skin is still tanning hours after your tanning bed session. Allow your tan to set in and wait at least 3 to 4 hours. When you do shower, always use a moisturizers to keep skin hydrated.