2. You need to protect your skin! Most of the premium brand lotions are high quality lotions. Many lotions are aloe vera based, which is widely known for its positive effects on the skin during moderate to heavy sun exposure. When using a tanning lotion, the main active ingredients are those which accelerate your skins ability to generate melanin. The process by which the skin tans - simplified - is the conversion of Tyrosine, to Melanin, by the UVA portion of light. Your body produces some Tyrsosine, but not enough to actually keep up a high-quality unit like the matrix, especially with its low UVB output. It's similar to having the fastest brick wall building crew, and no bricks. So by not using lotion, you are going to have to a lot more, to get the same tan. Chewing up MORE minutes and increasing your total UV exposure which puts added stress on the skin, especially without the moisturizing qualities of lotion to take care of your skin.

3. You want to prolong your tan. By using lotion, along with some other very basic skincare principles like exfoliating during your shower, your skin will stay healthy, and thus stay tanned longer. This means less tanning, using less sessions tha you are paying for, and keeping the same look.