Michelle has officially been sucked into MTV's "The City". I sat down with my roommate after work one day and we settled down for a night of mindless TV (our usual lol). She turned on an episode of the The City that she had DVR'd called "Boys Night Out". My first thought was, oh great, I'm going to be so bored. But, I had nothing else to do, so I started to watch. As the drama began to unfold, I became really intrigued (ok, who doesn't love to watch drama!). Allie's boyfriend Adam (who I must say is HOT!) decided to have a boy's night out while Allie was out of town. When he's at the bar, he sees these girls there and talks about how he wants to hook up with them. So, having his eye on the prize, he walks up to her and asks to go somewhere else....VERY shady!!! Hello...you have a girlfriend! The story ends up that they go and party until 8 am and he kisses one of the girls. When Allie returns, he tells her that there is a rumor going around that he kissed someone, but that it's not true. HA! I'm sorry, but I don't know of any guy that would party until 8 am with someone if they did not have an interest in them! Well, Allie ends up believing him, until the end of the episode, the girls who were there confront her.....I can't wait to see what happens in the next episode!!!!!!!